
Abalona Organic Blends combine 3-4 different coffee origin/regions to create exceptional flavor profiles. Each of the coffees described below bring a different flavor element to the blend (body, complexity, brightness, sweetness, etc.), and we source from the highest quality organic and fair trade producers to ensure consistent quality year over year. We strive for transparency, so if a particular producer/farmer changes, we’ll reflect that change here.




Process: Natural G1 RFA

Varieties: Ethiopian Heirloom

Altitude: 1,670-1,885m

This exceptional coffee is a natural organic and Rainforest Alliance–certified coffee from Masha Woreda Yeppo Village in Sidamo, a coffee farm owned by Haile Gebrselassie, a world-renowned runner. Haile transformed the 1,500-hectares into a stunning coffee farm with 200 hectares of dedicated conservation forest land, through which the Gahamay and Bosoko rivers run.

And in addition to following socially and environmentally friendly practices and meeting the requirements for Organic and Rainforest Alliance certification, Yeppo Village offers local coffee farmers training opportunities in agronomy best practices and methods for increasing cup quality.

Cupping notes: Strawberry, blueberry, honey, mango; juicy acidity, creamy body.



Process: Washed; patio-dried

Varieties: Catuaí, Caturra, Maragogype, Catimore

Altitude: 950-1,350m

The Nicaragua Flor Cafe Organic is a testament to the power of training and a collaborative effort. Produced by a cooperative of more than 1,500 members, this coffee benefits from many hands contributing to the quality and treatment of these coffee seeds.

The cooperative's vision is to provide quality services to its coffee-producing members such as training, education and sharing good social and environmental practices. Flor de Cafe is committed to supporting its members with technical assistance, increasing production levels and improving the sustainability of their productive units. Training is considered an important tool for the orientation of families dedicated to the cultivation of coffee aimed at caring for the environment, the implementation of organic certification and Fairtrade standards, and good agricultural practices.

Cupping notes:  Cherry and lemon, nutty and sweet; balanced, smooth body



Process: Washed

Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Pache, Catimor

Altitude: 1,200–1,750m

In the Qechua language, in the Andes, Minca refers to a particular camaraderie between farmers. While producers will hire help for the harvest, during the year they depend on their neighbors. Groups will travel from farm to farm, accomplishing what needs to be done before moving on to the next farm. This idea of caring for the whole — this social bond — is known as Minca.

Located between the Andes Mountains and the rainforest, Satipo is also known as the ceja de selva, or, “jungle entrance.” It’s a region rich in biodiversity and with very asymmetrical topography, which creates different types of airflows that help coffee trees to flourish

Cupping notes: Chocolate, Molasses, Roasted Almond, Citrus



Process: Washed

Varieties: IH90, Catuai, Caturra, Lempira, Bourbon

Altitude: 1,100–1,650m

In Greek mythology, Gea is the goddess of the Earth and the mother of all creation. Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG) exporter Becamo created this regional blend from the coffees of more than 300 women producers—and gave it a name that “embodies the determined spirit of women."

This fully washed coffee was directly sourced from women producers in the Lempira and Ocotepeque regions. The women's farms are at altitudes between 1,100 and 1,650 meters,. and their drying practices include patios, solar dryers and raised beds.

Cupping notes: Floral, green grape, herbal; smooth body, juicy acidity.



Process: Wet-hulled

Varieties: Ateng Super, Tim-Tim, Abyssinia 3, Abyssinia 7, Bor-Bor, Ateng Pucuk Merah, Ateng Janda, Bourbon

Altitude: 900–1,600m

Sumatra is the second-largest island in the Republic of Indonesia. Gayo coffee normally refers to the Takengon area, and is located in the highlands of Aceh near Lake Tawar. Our Gayo G1 coffee comes from Takengon and its surrounding areas. Temperatures around the Takengon area are much cooler due to its altitude, hence it is for coffee plants. Most farms in this region are family-owned farms and are small in size, averaging about 1-2 hectares. Gayo coffees are usually semi-washed, which means that the parchment is hulled while still having a very high moisture content (as contrasted with fully washed coffee where they dry the parchment to roughly 12 percent moisture). This process also uses sun-drying patios, which many people believe gives Aceh coffees their unique, earthy yet pleasant flavor..

Cupping notes: Plum, Raisin, Tobacco, Black Tea, Clove, Molasses